
Please Join us at our Awards Banquet:
May 8, 2025

All are invited to the gala celebration for awardees at the Awards Banquet of the Washington Academy of Sciences!  In this annual event, participants will enjoy a delicious buffet dinner at the beautiful Ceresville Mansion. Please join us and have an opportunity to meet and greet fellow scientists, engineers and educators from the DMV area. For decades this banquet has been a highlight of must-do events for the science community in Washington.

Awards banquet 2019
Photo by Paul Arveson

The event begins at 5pm on Thursday May 8. Ceresville Mansion is located at 8529 Liberty Road, Frederick, Maryland 21701. (Travel time is about 45 minutes up I 270 from the beltway in Maryland.)

Tickets are now on sale here! 

The Academy has a special interest in STEM education for students of all ages.  Our Junior Academy partners with other volunteer  educators in the DMV to promote these services for our community.  We welcome students and their parents to attend this inspiring event!

spacerTributes to the Washington Academy of Sciences on its 125th Anniversary

In May 2023 The Washington Academy of Sciences celebrated its 125th Anniversary in conjunction with its Annual Awards Banquet.  Special highlights of this event included tributes to the Academy from four leading scientists in the Washington DC area.  Following are short videos of their presentations:

Dr. S. Panchanathan, Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Dr. S. Panchanathan, Director of the National Science Foundation, offers encouraging comments about the educational work of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 

Dr. William Phillips, National Institute of Science and Technology

Dr. Phillips won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997 for his development of techniques for the study of cold atoms.

Dr. Vint Cerf, Google Inc.

Dr. Cerf was one of the early developers of the internet. He has been a long-time member and supporter of the Washington Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Laurie Locascio, Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology

Dr. Locascio is the Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and the director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). From 2017 to 2022, Locascio served as Vice President for Research at the University of Maryland.

The board members of the Washington Academy of Sciences are grateful for the recognition offered to the Academy by these leading science and management leaders from the DC area!

Washington Academy of Sciences

Past Presentations

 The Washington Academy of Sciences now includes on this website an archive of audio, video and slide presentations sponsored or submitted by members of the Academy.    Please visit our presentations page for a list of these fascinating presentations!

Washington Academy of Sciences